Hey there, curiosity seeker.

My name is Oxana...

I was never was a big fan of at he small talk culture, so let’s get straight to the point:
I am a professional catalyzer. In reality it is called a licensed professional counselor. What I actually do ruins people’s illusions and narratives that they have created, which holds them back from living a life they truly want.
The challenging part is not ruining people’s illusions and narratives, it’s walking them through the thin ice of the fear that reclaiming the life they want to live is worth going through the letting go of things they used to comfort themselves with.
One of my clients described me as a therapist who “gets it and doesn’t BS”. As therapists, we are not expected to talk about ourselves at the session which clinically totally makes sense, as it is the clients time, but in human context, we want to know if we can relate with the clients experience. When I worked with my therapist as a client and shared some experiences I was going through, in the back of my mind there was always the question: ”Does she even know what I am talking about, how do I know if she gets it?”.
I went to therapy for the first time in my early 20’s as part of my training to become a therapist. It was not easy. I didn’t know what to talk about as everything seemed great. On the inside, I was conflicted, confused and lost. And it had become more and more visible.

“She gets it” doesn’t usually come from books, it comes with life experiences we went through and that transformed us to become who we are today. The loses, traumas, pain, divorce, failures, and terrible mistakes contributed to who I am today, just as much, if not more then the victories, joy and discovering my creativity and connections with people I love.
Today I have hundreds of therapy hours as a client and I still do therapy as part of my ongoing training and self-care. Therapy has helped me to navigate a lot of personal issues, address negative patterns and step into a version of myself that I never believed that I was capable of being. Today I am grateful for the opportunity to provide the same experience for my clients.

My mission is to help people, to set them free from self imposed as well as someone’s else values, limitations or negative narratives, that they continue to carry in life.
I love to empower people to become who they are capable of being, - with their dreams, relationships or finding true value in who they are, instead of pretending to be someone they are not, to get this value externally.


• I travelled 35+ countries and lived in 3 of them: I was born in Russia, spent big part of my childhood in Czech Republic and now living in the United States of America

• I walked part of de Camino de Santiago and it was one of the best experiences I have had

• I am a dog person. Well, actually I am an animals lover, but when I need to choose it always comes down to dogs

• I study energy medicine in my spare time and I love how it challenges all I know about human psychology

• I am an empath and introvert
Psychologist in the USA
  • Max Tsymbalau, MS, LMHC
    Licensed Mental Health Counselor in WA state
  • Lauren Harrison, MA, LMHC, R-DMT (she/her)
    Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Registered Dance/Movement Therapist in WA state
  • Margarita Lalayan, MA, LMCH
    Licensed Mental Health Counselor in WA state
  • Artem Lesman, psychotherapist